这栋豪华公寓坐落在Bang Tao的黄金地段,距风光宜人的Bang Tao海滩仅 900 米,社区内的泳池与公共花园的独特组合让居民尽享宁静的度假生活。
这个精品开发项目由 9 栋7层建筑组成,共包含637 套住宅单元,包括精心设计的单间、一居室和两居室公寓户型,面积从31平方米到94平方米不等。
这些住宅采用了永恒经典设计和现代奢华装饰,集经典优雅与现代舒适于一体。 公寓应用了尖端技术、空调、整体厨房和设施齐备的浴室,尽显现代舒适特质。
业主可享受的设施种类超过35种,包括供放松身心的泳池,最先进的健身中心,安全的儿童游乐场以及家门口即可享用美味佳肴的内部餐厅。 该项目还包括 1 栋会所大楼和 1 栋停车楼,为您平添生活便利。
The developer is the Thai public company Rhom Bho Property, founded in 1989. The company specializes in real estate development and management and is known for its projects under the "The Title" brand, which include condominiums resembling resort properties. These projects stand out for their extensive green areas and numerous amenities, creating a true resort-like atmosphere in residential real estate.
The reputable and reliable developer has successfully completed 6 projects.