这个别致的现代风格2 层别墅开发项目坐落在Koh Kaew中心地带一个安全的封闭式社区中,采用时尚奢华的现代设计风格,拥有宽敞的生活空间。
每一栋精致的别墅均设有五间带有套间浴室的宽敞卧室,让住户享受极致的私密。 开放式起居和用餐区满足您的娱乐和家庭聚会需求,而设施齐备的现代厨房配有岛台,专为烹饪爱好者设计。另设了一个泰式辅助厨房,供您烹饪那些别具风味的泰式菜肴。
别墅的中心地带是一个12米的私家泳池,能为您带来无尽的轻松和享受。 泳池周围设有露台和户外休息区,是进行热带日光浴的理想场所。
别墅设有一个3车位带顶车棚,让爱车享受充足的停车位和保护,一间单独的保姆房可供家庭雇员居住,而便利的洗衣/储物间便于收纳各类物品。 多功能区则可根据需要改为家庭办公室、健身房或娱乐室。
生活在专属封闭式社区中,居民们可以享受安全和放心保障。 24小时保安服务为您和家人提供全时段保护。
With over 15 years of dedicated expertise under the banner of Modern 79, the company have embarked on an exceptional journey to redefine luxury living. With commitment to excellence and shared vision with potential buyers, cherished partners, have led us to the creation of Mouana Brand, a testament to the culmination of our passion and drive.
With a legacy spanning two decades and 20 successful projects, has solidified as a symbol of quality and reliability in the industry. It is a legacy built upon collaboration, where the developer had the privilege of partnering with discerning individuals like to transform aspirations into reality.